Sunday, January 6, 2008

A Blog About Nothing

In the spirit of Seinfeld, I am declaring that my blog will be a blog about Nothing. Please note that it is Nothing with a capital "N." I don't know what the hell that means, but it sounds good. I make no claim that I will ramble on about intellectual subjects, and I doubt very seriously I'll give my 2 cents on the latest celebrity stunts, mainly because I don't particularly give a rat's ass what they're doing in Hollywood these days. I love watching the History Channel, not because I'm especially brilliant or anything, but because I actually like it. I really like the Naked Archaeology guy, Simcha I-forget-his-last-name. See...told you I'm not that brilliant. Anyway, I love his show and the way he goes about uncovering the various historical mysteries in the Bible. Since I don't take the stuff in that book literally, I like to read about and watch the shows where they try to discover the history behind the stories.

And now, for something completely different. It is the Feast of the Epiphany, and my blasted Christmas tree is still up. That sucker is coming DOWN today. I'm tired of looking at it, and I want my house back to normal. Okay, my house is never "normal" in the way that most people would define it, but I want it back to my definition of normal, which does not include a Christmas tree in the middle of my living room. I might have multiple Siberian Huskies running through the house, on their way out the door to do whatever Huskies do, playing their Husky games and howling their Husky howls, and that might mean leaving a trail of shedding Husky undercoat that has to be swept up. That is probably not normal for most people. It's my normal.

Oh, and quick word of advice. If you have a Husky and a favourite pair of shoes, please make sure those shoes are put out of reach of your beloved canine. I have some dead shoes to show for my negligence in this area. I held the appropriate funeral for the shoes and have since put my remaining shoes on lockdown. To appease the beast, I pulled some older shoes out that I have not worn in around five years or more. For some reason, she does not seem overly interested in those. Bitch.

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