Monday, January 14, 2008

Of Bees, Shoes, and Demonic Barbers

My daughter will forever remember how to spell "nebbish." That is the word she missed at the regional spelling bee last Thursday, spelling it with one "b" instead of two. Still, she made it through several rounds and spelled several difficult words before she struck out on that one, and the fact that she was a winner from the school and made it that far was quite impressive. The most important thing, however, was the fact that she enjoyed herself and was happy with her own performance.

Incidentally, a nebbish, of Yiddish origin, is defined as "a timid, meek, or ineffectual person" according to the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary. Rebekah is definitely NOT a nebbish!

After the spelling bee, my husband, the dear Czech Pecker, took me out for some Indian cuisine. The mini-me, Rebekah, abandoned us to dine with her nana. The food was excellent, but I had to WALK several blocks, an event that I had not planned for, and thus, the shoes I wore did not qualify as comfortable walking shoes. They are, however, Very Cute Shoes. See?

I love these shoes, and they're fine for short distances, but the arch support sucks. By the time I had walked several blocks to the restaurant, dined on a delicious subcontinental lunch, which offered a brief respite for my size 7's, and hiked back to the parking garage, I was creeping along, looking like a person walking on hot coals. I received a few strange looks. I came home and looked for vodka.
By Saturday, I was sufficiently recovered to head out to the movie theatre with friend to see Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street. (Official movie site It was incredible. Really, I don't presently have the words to review it sufficiently, but I thought it was simply amazing. I absolutely loved it.
In the meantime, the dogs are still wreaking havoc around here, as always. Skyy hasn't eaten any additional books, though, so I suppose that's good. Sitka is trying to wean her pups and tries to escape from them whenever she can. I know how she feels. The hours when my kids are at school are generally quite blissful.

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