Friday, February 15, 2008

The Aliens Returned My Children

Well, really, I never expected that they would keep the little spawns of Satan, did I? The calm lasted until Tuesday, then they were back to arguing like siblings, and Rebekah was back to being a sassy pre-teen, and J.P. was back to being an 8 year-old boy with an attitude. Ah, life in the Lazurek Funny Farm!

I think, however, that there are vestiges of the aliens still hovering around our abode.

For one thing, the dogs...oh dear. They are even more wound up than usual. I have looked for signs. Is there a full moon? Is Mercury in retrograde? Is a meteor hurtling speedily toward Earth? I have looked at what they eat. No changes in what I feed them. Did they break into the wine cabinet? Are any coffee beans missing? Have they been sniffing the kids' glue sticks?

One thing is certain...I love my dogs, but I am not a happy camper when they try to eat my Byron books. You see, I love Byron. I have a bookshelf full of Byron related books--his poetry, the full collection of his journals and letters, literary criticism, history of his era, literary relationships between Byron and Shelley and Byron and the Irish poet, Thomas Moore, stacks of articles printed from literary journals. And my dogs have tried to eat some of the books. No, I am not thrilled.

They also snatched a couple of Shakespeare plays, including MacBeth and Titus Andronicus. Yes, I do see the irony of their cannibalistic attack on the latter.

It might be a tad difficult to build bookshelves suspended from the ceiling, and I have a feeling that, being the Huskies that they are, they would merely find a ladder.

In other odd happenings, the darling Czech Pecker actually bought me a dozen roses for Valentine's Day. Wow...who woud have guessed he possessed any romantic sentiments? "Romantic," with a small "r," is not generally a word that describes either one of us! For example, my gift to him was an autobiography of Eric Clapton. I'm thinking that he might be possessed by something. I'm not sure what...I will have to watch closely.

Oh, and I found another wine to try. Cat Among the Pigeons. Couldn't resist the name, of course. It's Australian.

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