Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Wednesday Morning Thoughts

Does life ever slow down? Do I ever get a chance to just stop and smell my weed garden? Not very often.

I decided to take a breather today, and I am reflecting on the past week. Here are some of my thoughts:

I am still saddened over the Kentucky Derby triumph and tragedy of the filly, Eight Belles. While my pick had been Colonel John (who came in 6th), I admit to cheering as she ran her heart out to pass up all those male horses, coming in 2nd after Big Brown, only to collapse, two broken ankles, requiring euthanasia immediately to put her out of her pain. She was an incredibly amazing horse who died doing what horses like her love doing--racing for the finish line. R.I.P. beautiful girl.

Prior to the Derby, I received something else in the mail from the great Commonwealth of Kentucky, a package from my dad. It contained copies of some photographs that I had been wanting, photos of my great-great-grandparents, great-grandparents, my grandfather in his Army uniform and on the ship where he was an Island Hopper in World War II. He joined up with the Army almost immediately after graduating from medical school in 1942. I am now looking for some old-fashioned looking photo frames, and I am going to start a "Heritage Wall" in one of my rooms.

On Friday, the darling Czech Pecker came home with a surprise gift for me! Here is a picture of it:

It's a Native American Mandella, a spiritual shield for the home. The white wolf on it looks almost exactly like Dougal, our white Husky, the Alpha male of our pack! Also, my Cherokee family were members of the Wolf Clan, so it has meaning in that sense, too.

Additional thoughts for today before I head out:

Spring Cleaning: It sucks, but it must be done. I'm plugging away at it, but as I said, I'm taking a break from all work today.

Spring Allergies: They suck even worse. I bet Spring Cleaning doesn't help any. Thus, my reason for taking a break today.

My dogs are eerily quiet right now. I bet they're plotting something.

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