Sunday, July 13, 2008

The Funny Farm Descends Upon Manhattan

And I have the pictures to prove it, but I have to upload them. And quite frankly, I'm too dang tired right now to deal with that. We came Up North on Friday afternoon for a family reunion in Connecticut on the darling Czech Pecker's side of the family. That event was yesterday, hosted by my father-in-law with help from one of the cousins, Kara. It was a fantastic event, and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. My footprints are probably still imprinted on the floor leading to the bar where Tony the bartender made some killer cosmos!

And today, we took the train from Stratford into New York. I will detail more of our trip later when I am not on the verge of falling over my keyboard. Plus, there is going to be a repeat tomorrow, and New York will be seeing The Funny Farm once again, so I need my Smartass Sleep!

Just a couple of quick notes to record a couple of my impressions, though:

1--Fifth Avenue could easily be my favorite street in America now. Sephora, book stores, St. Patrick's Cathedral...I mean, all of my needs--beauty, intellectual, and spiritual--all met on ONE street!

2--American Girl New York should really like us now after the money we spent there today.

3--After only 4 hours in the City, a couple of guys in Times Square asked us where American Girl was when they saw us carrying the bags. I was able to give them the address and directions better than the darling Czech Pecker, who has spent time in NYC before, and this was my first time in Manhattan.

4--What is up with the myth about rude New Yorkers? I found the staff in the shops and restaurants to be helpful and pleasant. On the street, the people walk quickly to get places, they're straight-forward, and it's a fast-paced atmosphere, but I have found nothing intimidating or rude about it in the least. Atlanta is scarier than New York.

That's it for the evening. More later!


nettiemac said...

Oh it's on beeyotch! You went in Sephora. Color me KERMIT green!!!!

Talmadge said...

Atlanta could make Gitmo look like a five-star luxury resort.

I've heard the same thing about NYC'ers being quite friendly ... what is it about such myths, anyway?