Thursday, July 24, 2008

Is Summer Over Yet?

We are inching ever closer to the start of the school year, and I am anxiously crossing the days of summer off my calendar. Have I mentioned that I hate hot weather?

For the most part, our summer treks are over, and I'm working on The List. The List is that endless stuff to buy, uniforms to go through and see what needs to be replaced, school supply lists to purchase, things to organize in the house to make homework sessions as easy and painless as possible...

I really would love to just spend the remainder of the summer in hibernation, but ALAS! That is not to be.

This evening, we have a meeting at St. Joseph's for student athletes, so I suppose the fall is approaching. If only the weather would cooperate!

PARENTING TIP OF THE DAY FROM THE WITCH AND THE DARLING CZECH PECKER: I will start my parenting "tips" with this bit that really forms the foundation of everything else that the darling Czech Pecker and I do to put the "fun" in our dysfunctional family unit! Boundaries. We all know about boundaries, especially those of us who are parents. Setting boundaries sounds easier than it actually is, and if you've ever tried reasoning with a stubborn spawn of Satan, then you know exactly what I'm talking about.

Have you ever heard the phrase, "pick your battles" when it comes to parenting? Well, we learned about that pretty early in dealing with the bratlets. As a result, we've developed a philosophy of fluid boundaries. Basically, the boundaries we've set are firm when it comes to issues of safety and health. No, we won't let them play in traffic, no matter how much they might beg. However, other issues are up for negotiation. That doesn't necessarily mean that they will get their way in everything. Compromise is a big word in our household. Needless to say, there is generally a good deal of lively conversation and bargaining going on, but makes things interesting!

1 comment:

nettiemac said...

Aw c'mon -- what kind of mom are you ... not telling your children to go play near the intersection? Or under the traffic light? SHEESH!!!!!!